My Blog List

Thursday, March 25, 2010

What's a Brainpage?

I realized the other day that I am coming up on ten years of blogging. My personal blog as it is now has taken me through a dramatic transformation. It was my sounding board through my most shameful time in my life, it also knew me as a lost little junior in high school, and watched me transform into who I am now! There are a lot of things in that blog that I love, lots of very good writing and also lots of venting when I new I would hurt people's feelings, which is why it stays my secret!

Today my boyfriend asked about my blog when I mentioned it and I had a quick realization! Why should I keep that tight in a little box like I have had it for so long? So, after careful consideration (about fifteen minutes haha) I decided to go all in and start a new blog as the new me! I love who I am now! I have most definitely undergone a dramatic transformation in the past eighteen months. I went from being entirely lost, hardhearted and selfish into being touched by the Spirit and going through the refiners fire! That isn't what this is about though...this is explaining my term: brainpages.

I coined this term in high school as a student who had a horrible attention span. I sought some relief in my notebook covers. I wrote poetry, sketched and pretty much just put anything that was in my brain, onto the page. I kept some of them, they're cool! Not all the classic "Mrs. Fill-in-the-blank" or J+S or any of those silly things that smitten high school girls get pegged for. Now as a young adult I find happiness in my fingers moving across the keyboard, letting these words travel down my neck into my arms and find their way onto this little screen. This is my new version of brainpages and if I can't write it here, maybe I shouldn't write it at all!


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