Consider the bombshell blonde, Orange County soccer Mom: flowing locks, bronzed skin, bright sunny smile. Now lets see her real beauty...or not so real. Besides having paid enormous amounts of money for double D's, orange skin, sewed on hair and striking white teeth, she portrays insecurity. If you have to augment so much of yourself to feel beautiful don't you think maybe the problem is inside your head instead of with your body? I would not want to be with a man who encouraged plastic surgury. (If I want it for some reason that is different than being encourged by my man) I would feel as though he thought I was unattractive, and would never feel up to par with him unless I was running the rat race toward this unattainable goal of beauty.
I realized for the millionth time today that beauty is truly in the eye of the beholder. I think I could maybe be happy with Quasimodo if he had a good heart and a loud laugh! Who cares what everyone else thinks about you or your significant other? They aren't you. They don't have that deep rooted connection that you have where your heart threatens to stop beating with joy when you catch him gazing at you instead of the movie. They may not love your freckly shoulders, or your weird habit, or the way your face curves, but someone does. I have seen the most in love couples being involved in this choir. I have caught sidelong flirts sent between couples married fifteen years, batting eyelashes and grinning foolishly at one another across a room. Maybe to an unattentive beholder these people don't have that...something but they have something better! They unabashdly love the person they are with, beauty being what it may! Truth is, age is inevitable (and another blog) and yet as we move progressively into our decades we become more beautiful in many ways that are not always physical! Beauty truly is in the eye of the beholder, try to see yourself the way someone else might. If you are still not feeling it, get a massage! One never feels more beautiful in their own skin than after a massage!